There’s an excellent op-ed in today’s Winston-Salem Journal about the state’s eugenics program.
The op-ed encourages victims to come forward.
Unless there’s going to be meaningful compensation that victims can count on, there’s little reason for most of the victims to come forward. Some victims may come forward to help illuminate what happened, and for this, they should be commended. However, most people won’t take such action, and it isn’t as if the problems of the program aren’t garnering attention.
Until, and if, there’s a clear compensation program, the number of victims that will come forward will remain very low.
Having said that, I will include the following from the op-ed to provide potentially useful information for victims:
The N.C. Justice for Sterilization Victims Foundation was established to reach out to and help victims of North Carolina’s eugenics program. If you believe you are a sterilization victim, please call the Foundation’s Hotline at: 877-550-6013 (toll-free) or call 919-807-4270, Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.